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My name is Kinda (pronounced like Linda).  I am a mom to 2 growing kiddos and a portrait photographer in sunny San Diego at Kinda Arzon Photography with a deep passion for cooking, travel and culture.  I was born in Damascus, Syria and moved to the US when I was young.  Grew up in beautiful Chicago, IL where I met my wonderful husband and fell in love with deep dish pizza!

Living in San Diego, far away from family makes you depend on yourself in ways you never imagined.  I always miss the smell of my mom's kitchen, especially when she makes her Syrian Falafel.  They are golden, delicious and resemble mini donuts.  In my opinion,  no other Falafel will do it for me hence the name Falafel Diva!


Over the years, and hundreds of phone calls with my mom, I taught myself how to cook her recipes.  I feel that taste and smell brings us memories and feelings we once experienced, so cooking my mom's recipes makes me feel like I am with her even though we are thousands of miles away. 


My goal with this blog is to bring all that I am passionate about together!  Photography, culture, food and share it with you all! Thank you for stopping by and I look forward to

connecting with you!


- always with love


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